If you suffer from tooth loss, you aren’t alone. Many Americans find it difficult to speak in public or even talk to friends and family because they are missing teeth and it has affected their self-confidence. Missing teeth can also make eating some foods difficult or uncomfortable. If you are looking for a solution, dentures could be the answer. Whether you are missing all or some of your teeth, a visit to our Austin dentistry could result in a path towards a complete and beautiful smile!
Dentures are made of artificial teeth that replace your missing teeth and make smiling, eating and talking much more enjoyable. Partial dentures are used if you still have some teeth remaining, whereas full dentures are made when you are missing all of your teeth. You don’t have to be missing your full set of teeth to be a candidate for dentures. More natural, comfortable and durable than ever before – dentures have come a long way and they have made life alot easier for many who have suffered from tooth loss.
When your dentures are made, a mold of your mouth is used to create dentures custom-designed just for you. In just a few visits to the dentist, you could have a full smile once again. Let our Austin dentist make a treatment plan that works for you and start down the path to a confident, beautiful smile!
If you are interested in dentures in Austin, TX, call our office today to set up a consultation!